HomeResidential NetworkGeneral InformationNetwork Access and Computer Recommendations

1.1. Network Access and Computer Recommendations

All UVa-Wise residence halls offer wireless connectivity to the campus network and Internet.

If you are bringing a computer to campus for use in the College’s residence halls, your personal computer must be in compliance with campus requirements for connection.  These requirements are in place to protect both your computer and the College’s network from inside and outside intrusion, misuse, and attack. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in a loss of network privileges and/or a monetary penalty.

UVA Wise Computer Requirements:

  • Operating System: If you bring a PC to campus it must have Windows 11, Windows 10 installed. All earlier versions of Windows may be denied access to the network. Mac users must have Mac OS X (10.14 or later) with all updates.
  • Critical Security Updates and Patches: All computers will need to automatically download and install manufactuer updates and patches.  Microsoft updates are available at http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com 
  • Antivirus Software and Updates: All computers (regardless of Operating System) must have a functioning antivirus program with current definitions. The College has licensed Symantec Endpoint Protection for Windows for students.
  • Optional Computer Recommendations:
    (These recommendations are not required for connection but can help further ensure that your computer is safe from vulnerabilities.)
    • Spyware Protection: It is highly recommended that users install antispyware / adware software.  Free and reputable programs are Malware Bytes.

REMEMBER: Students who fail to comply with the above requirements at any time could be disconnected from the network and face monetary penalties and/or loss of network privileges.

Connection Problems:
If you experience problems connecting to the network, please contact the OIT Helpdesk for assistance.  TSS staff can only assist in gaining network connectivity and are not authorized to investigate other computing issues on personal machines.

Internet Filtering Notice:
The College values academic freedom and individual responsibility. To that end, the College does not filter Internet or Email traffic except for peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing. The College filters out P2P file-sharing to ensure that the College is in compliance with copyright law. If you attempt P2P file-sharing, your network port will be deactivated and you will receive a letter of warning.


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