Home → Accounts & FAQs → Connecting to CavsNet → CavsNet - Mac
1. select System Preferences
2. under Internet & Wireless, select Network
3. select WiFi
4. If Status shows Off, select Turn WiFi On
5. make sure box is checked to Ask to Join New Networks
6. make sure box is checked to Show WiFi Status in Menu Bar
7. click the Network Name button to show available wireless networks
8. select CavsNet
9. another window should pop up
10. Mode should be Automatic
11. enter the user name for your UVa-Wise account
12. enter the password (same as your UVa-Wise email password)
13. check the box to Remember this Network
14. select Join
15. Status should show Connected
16. Network Name should show CavsNet
17. click Red X to close the network window