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Please visit this link to setup your account :
** Students you will need your Jenzabar number **
For assistance with email contact helpdesk@uvawise.edu or submit a support request.
Please visit this link to change your account password :
Please call the Alumni office for account access @ 276-328-0128
students, faculty, and staff can set up a preferred name to display in many UVA systems.
Your legal name is separate from your preferred name and can only be updated by providing documentation. If you're a student, contact the Office of the University Registrar (UREG). If you are faculty or staff, update it in Workday by selecting Personal Information then Legal Name.
Your preferred name is one that you can update directly in the Identity & Access Management Portal and displays in most UVA systems.
UVA reserves the right to modify or remove a preferred name if it is inappropriate, offensive, or being used for fraudulent purposes or misrepresentation.
Requirements for Preferred Names:
Tips for Preferred Names:
Log in to the Identity & Access Management Portal to update your preferred name.
All computer and technical issues should be reported directly to the Helpdesk. Calling and reporting problems to individual OIT staff members may delay the resolution of your problem. Therefore, it is essential that the Helpdesk be notified so your request can be evaluated and assigned to the proper OIT personnel. You may also submit a support request using our online form.
Location: Darden Hall 110
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm
Phone: (276) 376-4509
Fax: (276) 376-1045
E-Mail: helpdesk [at] uvawise.edu
After Hours Support:
or Chat
All active UVa-Wise faculty and staff are eligible to participate in Microsoft's Software Assurance Home Use Program (HUP). This program enables you to get a licensed copy of most Microsoft® Office desktop PC applications to install and use on your home computer at a drastically reduced educational cost. This program only covers Microsoft Office for Windows and Mac and not the Windows operating system or other Microsoft software.
Under the Home Use Program, you and our other employees who are users of qualifying applications at work (e.g. Office) may acquire a licensed copy of the corresponding Home Use Program software (e.g. Office) to install and use on a home computer. You may continue using HUP software while you are under our employment and as long as the corresponding software you use at work has active Software Assurance coverage.
Please note that some product and language versions may not be available at the time you place an order. For up-to-date information on the availability of Home Use Program software, please visit http://microsoft.com/licensing.
To access the Microsoft Home Use Program Web site:
Please note that home computer support is NOT included with this for home computers. IT staff are not allowed to support home computers on work time. Please consult www.microsoft.com/products for the latest information on system requirements for the latest version of Microsoft Office to insure that your computer will actually run well with the latest version.
The campus uses the Blackboard Connect campus alert system but your participation is voluntary.
The Alertsystem is only used for campus emergency situations and weather related announcements (schedule changes). Register phone, cell phone or SMS text number online at https://home.uvawise.edu/emergency-alert-system.
The My UVa-Wise portal uses the same username/password login as your College email account. First, make sure you can login to email. If you can get into your email account and still cannot get into your portal account, please email jcavadmin@uvawise.edu from your "@uvawise.edu" email account. You may also submit a support request using our support form.
Bringing a Computer to the University of Virginia's College at Wise
Although it is not required, it is strongly recommended that students bring a personal computer to assist with academic pursuits including writing papers, preparing presentations, accessing course websites, and communicating with faculty, staff, and other students.
View the minimum specifications for personal computers on campus and for faculty and staff members for personal purchases
OIT offers free Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition for all UVa-Wise students (residential and commuter).
Dell Premier Web Site for UVa-Wise | UVa-Wise/ Apple Store for Education |
College/Official Purchasing
For Purchasing a computer, software, peripherals, etc. for official college or departmental use, the Office of Information Technology offers many knowledgeable staff members who can assist and advise you with your purchase. For assistance in ordering computers, peripherals, or software you may contact the IT Helpdesk.
How to clear your cache in...
UVA Academic Microsoft 365 Email & Tools
UVA Wise is transitioning to Microsoft 365 email and apps in the UVA Academic environment. On Monday, July 22, you will gain access to your new UVA Academic M365 email and apps account at 8 a.m.
Currently, only students and a portion of faculty and staff have access to Microsoft 365 apps at UVA Wise. With this upgrade, our entire community will benefit from a modern toolset that significantly enhances collaboration through a single, secure platform. Along with Outlook Online for email, we will gain access to integrated Microsoft 365 tools like OneDrive, Teams, Excel, Power BI, and more. Joining Microsoft 365 in the Academic environment will enable our faculty, staff, and students to collaborate both within UVA Wise and across the University.
Preparing for the Transition
View the instructions on the following pages:
Contact UVA Wise Technology Support Services with questions related to the transition or your Microsoft 365 email or apps account.
ITS Web Pages to Review:
Please follow this link for accessing your shared mailbox:
All students, faculty, and staff can acquire a college email account through the IT Helpdesk.
Log in to UVA Academic Microsoft 365
Be sure to use your computingID@virginia.edu
For assistance with email contact helpdesk@uvawise.edu or submit a support request.
Please visit this link to setup your account for 2 step login:
** Students you will need your Jenzabar number **
For assistance with email contact helpdesk@uvawise.edu or submit a support request.
Unfortunately you can not choose your email address login. Your UVa-Wise computing ID is a computer generated name which includes the initials of your full name, a random number, and a random letter.
For assistance with email contact helpdesk@uvawise.edu or submit a support request.
UVa-Wise staff and faculty will never ask for your username and password over email. Never share your personal information (passwords, credit card, social security card information) over email.
Please visit this link to change your account password :
Please call the Alumni office for account access @ 276-328-0128
Creating an alias will allow you to receive messages sent to your @virginia.edu account from UVA.
To create an alias you will need a NetBadge account.
View or download instructions for creating an alias.
Starting after July 22, 2024 new lists will need to be created at UVA using this link:
The various public lists available on the UVA Wise College's Mailman server can be seen at the list page: http://list.uvawise.edu/mailman/listinfo/
How do I subscribe to a mailing list?
Go to the list page and click on the name of the list you would like to subscribe to.
Fill in your e-mail address in the form on the page, you can pick a password or choose to have one created for you. You can also choose to receive e-mails from the list individually or to receive mail in a daily digest.
After completing the form, you will receive an e-mail which will include instructions to complete the process.
How do I unsubscribe from a mailing list?
Go to the list page and click on the name of the list you would like to unsubscribe from.
Under the Subscribers section, click the Unsubscribe or edit options button. Enter your username and list password and click the Unsubscribe button.
How can I customize my mail from the College Talk mailing list?
Go to the list page and click on the name of the list you would like to customize.
Under the Subscribers section, click the Unsubscribe or edit options button. Enter your username and list password and click Log in button.
How do I obtain my mailing list password?
Go to the list page and click on the name of the list you need the password for.
Under the Subscribers section, click the Unsubscribe or edit options button.
Enter your e-mail address and click the Remind button.
Box stores documents in the could and allows you to access them on any devices from any internet connected location.
You can log in to your Box account at http://uvawise.box.com using your UVa-Wise username and password.
Find out more about Box User Responsibilities & Data Restrictions
Additional information about Box guidelines can be found on the UVA ITS website.
After purchasing a print money card from the bookstore, follow the instructions below to add the print money to your account:
The college provides wireless network service to address the increasingly mobile nature of technology in higher education. There are two wireless networks (WLAN’s) available on campus: CavsNet and CavsNet-Open.
CavsNet provides members of the college community (with active email accounts) a more secure wireless service. This WLAN uses current security and encryption standards to protect information as it travels across the wireless network. Newer computers and operating systems should recognize and support these standards. CavsNet is the recommended WLAN for students, faculty, and staff to use.
CavsNet-Open is an open, unsecured WLAN provided by the college for visitors and members of the local community to use without special setup or access requirements. Since this WLAN is open and unsecured, it is not recommended for any use that includes the transferal of sensitive information (e.g. purchases, online banking, posting grades, etc.).
Wireless Network Availability
The following buildings on campus offer wireless connectivity throughout:
- Smiddy Hall
- Zehmer Hall
- Crockett Hall
- Center for Teaching Excellence
- Martha-Randolph Hall
- Thompson Hall
- Asbury Hall
- Henson Hall
- Commonwealth Hall
- Culbertson Hall
- McCraray Hall
- Library
- Bowers-Sturgill Hall
- Resource Center
- Cantrell Hall
These buildings offer wireless connectivity in specific areas where mobility needs are more important:
- Slemp Student Center
- Darden Hall
- Science Center
- Dining Center
- Wyllie Hall
- Convocation Center
- Gilliam Center for the Arts
1. Open the Control Panel, click Network and Sharing Center, choose Set up a new connection or network, then choose Manually connect to a wireless network and click Next
a. In Network name: type CavsNet
b. Click the Security type and choose WPA2-Enterprise.
c. The Encryption type: should automatically display AES.
d. The first checkbox is optional. It can be checked to start this connection automatically or left unchecked if you want more control of when the connection is made. The second checkbox is normally left unchecked.
2. Click on the Next button at the bottom of the window. You should see a new window that says Successfully added CavsNet.
a. In this new window, click on Change connection settings then click on the Security tab. You should see the following on the pull down tabs in the Security window:
i. Security type: WPA2-Enterprise
ii. Encryption type AES
iii. Network authentication method: Microsoft:
Protected EAP (PEAP)
3. Next to the Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP), Click on Settings
a. Clear the Validate server certificate setting
b. The Authentication Method: should show Secured password (EAP-MSCHAP v2)
c. Click the Configure… button.
d. Click on the checkmark in the box in the EAP MSCHAPv2 window to remove the checkmark so that the connection does not automatically use your Windows logon name and password.
e. Click OK to close this window.
f. Click ok at the bottom of the Protected EAP Properties window
4. Click on Advanced Settings
a. On the 802.1x settings, make sure the Specify authentication mode is checked
b. Pull down menu should be set to User or computer authentication
c. Click OK at bottom of Advanced settings window
5. Click ok at the bottom of the CavsNet Wireless Network Properties window.
6. Close the Manually connect to a wireless network window by clicking on the Close button.
7. Close the remaining window by clicking on the red X at the upper right of the window.
8. Click on the network icon on the lower right hand portion of your screen.
9. Click on CavsNet and click on connect. (if a Disconnect button is showing, click on it to disconnect then click on the connect button)
10. Enter your UVa Wise User name and Password then click OK. (the same one you use to get into your college email account).
11. You should see what looks like a cell phone signal level display of bars indicating you are connected to CavsNet. You are now connected and should be able to open your browser and see web sites. Congratulations! You are now connected to UVa Wise CavsNet more secure wireless network.
1. select
System Preferences
2. under
Internet & Wireless, select Network
3. select
4. If
Status shows Off, select Turn WiFi On
5. make sure box is checked to Ask to Join New
6. make sure box is checked to Show WiFi Status
in Menu Bar
7. click the Network Name button to show available wireless networks
8. select
9. another window should pop up
10. Mode should be Automatic
11. enter the user name for your UVa-Wise account
12. enter the password (same as your UVa-Wise email password)
13. check the box to Remember this Network
14. select Join
15. Status should show Connected
16. Network Name should show CavsNet
17. click Red X to close the network window
Connecting to CavsNet – Android 7.0 (Nougat)
Select Settings
Select Wi-Fi
if status is OFF , turn ON
under the wireless networks shown select CavsNet
EAP method should be PEAP
for Phase 2 Authentication choose MSCHAPV2
CA Certificate should be (unspecified)
under Identity enter your UVaWise login ID (e.g. abc12z)
under Password enter your password
make sure Auto reconnect is checked
then select CONNECT
screen should show
1. Open the Control Panel, click Network and Sharing Center, choose Set up a new connection or network, then choose Manually connect to a wireless network and click Next
(To open Control Panel for Windows 10 users, click Start then type "Control Panel" without the quotation marks and click Control Panel when it appears)
a. In Network name: type CavsNet
b. Click the Security type and choose WPA2-Enterprise.
c. The Encryption type: should automatically display AES.
d. The first checkbox is optional. It can be checked to start this connection automatically or left unchecked if you want more control of when the connection is made. The second checkbox is normally left unchecked.
2. Click on the Next button at the bottom of the window. You should see a new window that says Successfully added CavsNet.
a. In this new window, click on Change connection settings then click on the Security tab. You should see the following on the pull down tabs in the Security window:
i. Security type: WPA2-Enterprise
ii. Encryption type AES
iii. Network authentication method: Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP)
3. Next to the Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP), Click on Settings
a. Clear the Validate server certificate setting
b. The Authentication Method: should show Secured password (EAP-MSCHAP v2)
c. Click the Configure… button.
d. Click on the checkmark in the box in the EAP MSCHAPv2 window to remove the checkmark so that the connection does not automatically use your Windows logon name and password.
e. Click OK to close this window.
f. Click ok at the bottom of the Protected EAP Properties window
4. Click on Advanced Settings
a. On the 802.1x settings, make sure the Specify authentication mode is checked
b. Pull down menu should be set to User or computer authentication
c. Click OK at bottom of Advanced settings window
5. Click ok at the bottom of the CavsNet Wireless Network Properties window.
6. Close the Manually connect to a wireless network window by clicking on the Close button.
7. Close the remaining window by clicking on the red X at the upper right of the window.
8. Click on the network icon on the lower right hand portion of your screen.
9. Click on CavsNet and click on connect. (if a Disconnect button is showing, click on it to disconnect then click on the connect button)
10. Enter your UVa Wise User name and Password then click OK. (the same one you use to get into your college email account).
11. You should see what looks like a cell phone signal level display of bars indicating you are connected to CavsNet. You are now connected and should be able to open your browser and see web sites. Congratulations! You are now connected to UVa Wise CavsNet more secure wireless network.
1. select System Preferences
2. under Internet & Wireless, select Network
3. select WiFi
4. If Status shows Off, select Turn WiFi On
5. make sure box is checked to Ask to Join New Networks
6. make sure box is checked to Show WiFi Status in Menu Bar
7. click the Network Name button to show available wireless networks
8. select CavsNet
9. another window should pop up
10. Mode should be Automatic
11. enter the user name for your UVa-Wise account
12. enter the password (same as your UVa-Wise email password)
13. check the box to Remember this Network
14. select Join
15. Status should show Connected
16. Network Name should show CavsNet
17. click Red X to close the network window
Connecting to CavsNet – Android 7.0 (Nougat)
Select Settings
Select Wi-Fi
if status is OFF , turn ON
under the wireless networks shown select CavsNet
EAP method should be PEAP
for Phase 2 Authentication choose MSCHAPV2
CA Certificate should be (unspecified)
under Identity enter your UVaWise login ID (e.g. abc12z)
under Password enter your password
make sure Auto reconnect is checked
then select CONNECT
screen should show
Select Settings
Select Wi-Fi
if status is OFF , turn ON
under CHOOSE A NETWORK select CavsNet
for Username enter your UVaWise login ID (e.g. abc12z)
for Password enter your password
choose Join in upper right-hand corner
the Certificate window that comes up should show dc4.uvawise.edu
choose Trust in the upper right-hand corner
under Wi-Fi
CavsNet should be listed with a check mark in front
press the Home button to close Settings
The Office of Information Technology (OIT) requires that anti-virus software be used by all users of the College’s computing resources, including but not limited to the wired and wireless network, including students (residential and commuter) and visitors of the College. Two no cost options for antivirus protection that is designed to protect computers from viruses and other malicious threats are Avast and AVG.
Free Antivirus
AntiVirus Free
While no anti-virus solution is guaranteed to stop all threats, having antivirus software installed is a major safeguard in protecting your computer.
You agree that installation of this anti-virus software product is done at your own risk. We are not endorsing these products, but are providing the information and options as a courtesy. You are free to choose whatever anti-virus you prefer.
You understand that all previous versions or other anti-virus software products must be uninstalled prior to installation of this product.
You also understand that the integrity of your data is your personal responsibility, and that you will need to back-up your data prior to conducting this installation process.
No support will be provided by the UVa-Wise OIT Helpdesk for this software.
The software is available through download.cnet.com, by clicking on your preferred choice above you will be automatically redirected to the appropriate portion of their website. These links are provided for your convenience and do not signify an endorsement and/or guarantee.
The attached document contains information on the new process for applying Microsoft updates to campus.